Logo Ayllu Valence

Bienvenue sur Ayllu Valence

Commerce équitable et artisanat péruvien en Drôme, Ardèche et Loire, 39 ans déjà.

Tapis d'Awaqkuna PRESENTATION Tapis d'Awaqkuna

The tasks carried out by AYLLU associations:

  • sales,
  • exhibitions,
  • conferences,
  • meetings round,
  • concerts,
  • interventions in schools,

enable the Andean communities and the groups of shanty towns in Lima to find an economic solution while maintaining and developing everyone’s cultural values.

Ayllu, in Quechua, means community. The Ayllu was the basic structure of the Inca Empire. Based on the land collective ownership, on a strong family link, and on the common work each person received from local authorities according to the needs of its family cell. Today the Ayllu still finds its place in Peru and Bolivia.

The craft industry conveys artistic and cultural values. It is an affirmation of an identity, a means of liberation and non-violent resistance.

It is from this assertion that Ayllu groups, in France, in St Etienne (42) and Valence (26) have organised their activities. The craft import industry is carried out through Peruvian cooperatives thus eliminating middle men and allowing them to sell their products at decent prices. They have become the players of their own development funding thanks to the surplus of exp ortation:

  • common projects (groceries, small health centers, the building of schools….),
  • sports and cultural activities,
  • local events: sales in Lima, concerts….

They are recognized by the authorities as economic factors and deal with banks and ministers.

Thanks to the craft industry sales we want:

  • to express our solidarity,
  • to promote fair commercial exchanges,
  • initiate a think tank on the production process (children work, working time…)
  • promote Peruvian and Latin -America cultures